Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Dental Digital Imaging

Latest Technology for Reduced Radiation
Digital Imaging St. Louis MO Introducing digital X-rays, available at our practice. With this technology, an image is taken of your mouth with a digital sensor and downloaded into our computer, where it is immediately available. This method results in 75% less radiation than conventional X-rays. No more waiting for images to develop and no more chemical waste to pollute the environment.

A Camera that Creates Teamwork
Our promise to our patients is to work hand-in-hand with you to successfully reach your goals through teamwork. We use the intra-oral camera technology to show you a close view of the interior of your mouth. With such an image, you can easily see what we need to work on and be a part of each decision. 

Infinite Smiles
5430 Lemay Ferry Road, Suite 3

St. Louis, MO 63129
(314) 892-8853 

Friday, 21 February 2014

Dental Patient Comfort

Isolite for Dental Patient ComfortAn Advancement in Patient Comfort
Isolite™ is an astonishing new technology adding to the comfort of your care. As dental procedures require a dry mouth, Isolite protects the gums and teeth from moisture and eliminates the use of a rubber dam. It also provides suction and a brilliant light to view the oral cavity. This device makes treatment more efficient and reduces the time a patient will spend in the chair by about a third.

Infinite Smiles
5430 Lemay Ferry Road, Suite 3

St. Louis, MO 63129
(314) 892-8853 

Monday, 17 February 2014

Wine Tasters, Beware

Wine tasters may be at high risk for enamel stain and erosion.

Why? Sipping wine many times a day -- and swishing it in the mouth -- increases the enamel's exposure to damaging acids.

That is why it's better to drink a glass of wine, soda, or sweet tea with a meal instead of sipping it over several hours.

Above article from: Webmd.com/oral-health

Infinite Smiles
5430 Lemay Ferry Road, Suite 3

St. Louis, MO 63129
(314) 892-8853 

Friday, 14 February 2014

Migraine Headache Dental Treatment

Do You Suffer from Migraines or Tension Headaches?Migraine Headache Treatment Dentist St Louis MO
If you suffer from severe headaches, let us acquaint you with a drug-free solution called the NTI™ device. This oral appliance is the miracle that relaxes muscles under the scalp and prevents most headaches. Statistics show that 82% of sufferers had a 77% reduction in migraines. It is a very affordable treatment that is painless and fast. Be sure to talk to us about this remarkable therapy. 

Infinite Smiles
5430 Lemay Ferry Road, Suite 3

St. Louis, MO 63129
(314) 892-8853 

Monday, 10 February 2014

Your Mouth Is Not a Bottle Opener!

Your mother was right: Never open bottles, packages, or other containers with your teeth. You might permanently chip or crack the enamel.

Gnawing on anything else -- like pens or fingernails -- or chomping down on seeds, popcorn kernels, or ice could have the same result.

Above article from: Webmd.com/oral-health

Infinite Smiles
5430 Lemay Ferry Road, Suite 3

St. Louis, MO 63129
(314) 892-8853 

Friday, 7 February 2014

Athletic Mouthguard Dentist

Dental Mouth Guards Dentist St Louis MOMouthguard Protection for your Teeth
Each year in the U.S., 5 million teeth are knocked out without the use of mouthguard protection. A one-size-fits-all device sold in stores can make breathing difficult during exertion. But a custom made mouthguard will fit well and protect an individual in any sport. The American Dental Association recommends this protection for: field hockey, skiing, gymnastics, basketball, football, lacrosse, handball, roller hockey, ice hockey, boxing, squash, skateboarding, weight lifting, martial arts, surfing, racquetball, shotputting, skydiving, soccer, volleyball, acrobats, wrestling, and rugby.

Infinite Smiles
5430 Lemay Ferry Road, Suite 3

St. Louis, MO 63129
(314) 892-8853 

Monday, 3 February 2014

Foods That Stain Your Teeth: Tea and Your Teeth

Although tea has a reputation as a healthy beverage, it may not be the best choice when it comes to keeping your teeth white. Dentists say tea -- especially the basic black variety -- can cause more stains than coffee. However, recent studies have found that even herbal teas and white teas have the potential to erode enamel and cause tooth staining.

Above article from: Webmd.com/oral-health

Infinite Smiles
5430 Lemay Ferry Road, Suite 3

St. Louis, MO 63129
(314) 892-8853 